Friday, May 31, 2019

Everyman :: essays papers

Everyman The play Everyman is about a complacent Everyman who is informed by Death of his approaching end. The play shows the heros progression from despair and fear of death to a Christian resignation that is the prelude to redemption. Throughout the play Everyman is relinquished by things that he thought were of not bad(p) importance portrayed by characters that take the names of the things they represent.Throughout the play Everyman asks the characters to accompany him on his journey to death. He starts with Fellowship, his friends, who promises to go with him until they are informed of the destination. They vacate Everyman at that point. He calls upon people who are closer to him, Kindred and Cousin, his kinsmen. They also promise to live and die together, simply, when asked to accompany Everyman, they remind of the things he never did for them and desert him. Everyman then calls upon Goods, his material possessions. Goods explains to him that they cannot go on the j ourney with him, so he is once again deserted. Good Deeds then gets called upon. They say that even though they want to go on the journey, they are unable to at the moment. They advise Everyman to speak to Knowledge. Knowledge is the one that brings Everyman on the journey to cleanse himself. They first go to Confession, which gives him a penance. Once he does his penance, Good Deeds is able to rise from the ground. They then call upon Discretion, Strength, Five Wits, and Beauty. At first they follow him on his journey, but when they approach his grave they race away as fast as they can. When he finally sinks into his grave, the only one that accompanies him is Good Deeds.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Stem Cell Research Under Fire Essay -- essays papers

Stem Cell Research Under FireStem cell investigate should be continued so that it will one day lead to resumes for the worlds worst diseases, such as Alzhiemers, heart disease, Parkinsons, and diabetes. The stem cells are taken from a human embryo and placed in a petri dish, where scientists can manipulate them to produce whatever cells are involve (Blumenstyk, 2004). Stem cells can be employ to regenerate bones, organs, tissues, and can even aid in treating such diseases as listed above. Many universities, such as Vanderbilt and Case Western, are participating in the seek for two main reasons. One, to help contribute to the research to manufacture drugs to help the sickly, and two, to share in the profits of the quickly growing industry. Eventually, scientists will film forecast out how to use stem cells from another donor, and not just of the diseased or injured person, to regenerate cells and/or muscle tissues. As an embryo is in its development stage inside of the wom b, there are different chemicals that are exposed to the stem cells, which in turn tell the stem cells what type of nerve cell to be. Stem cells are the bodys master cells. They can renew themselves indefinitely and can even turn into any number of different types of cells needed in the body such as muscles, nerves, bones or even blood. Stem cells can be molded into what type of cell our bodies need. This makes them essential to repairing and transition bodily tissues throughout our lives. Our body retains stem cells that are formed at conception, and store them in various parts of the body so as to have a reserve that can be accessed at any point in magazine later on in life (World Almanac & book of Facts, Science News of 2003, p670 ... ...opic until something else remotely controversial comes alone for people to be up and arms about. No matter what, you cannot please everyone all the time, and with as some billions of people in this world, someone is b ound to do something that someone else does not like. Stem cell research is and will be for a long time a big breakthrough in the field of bio-Medicine. Whether funding come from the state itself, the federal government, or even the private sector, these promising ideas should not be stopped. For chance of sounding ignorant, you cannot make an omelette withou breaking a few eggs. Many lives could be saved if this research found a way to cure and treat some diseases. If this research is stopped at its relatively early age now, then we may never know what might be. If we do not at least try, then we are not bettering our race for future generations.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The End of Make Believe Essay -- Analysis, Claudia Kalb

In a culture saturated in high technical school toys that explode with dynamite sounds and whirling lights, children spend countless hours watching television and representing video games and less time engaging in creative and originative play. In Claudia Kalbs article The End of Make Believe, she introduces the Knott family from Cleveland, Ohio. Kris Knott and her husband, parents of three active children, are striving to get back to the basics of play by increasing family time and decreasing their childrens television and video game usage. During the summer months, it would not be uncommon to find the entire family outside enjoying a pleasant evening together. Mrs. Knott states that entertainment is not play and children need carefree, less structured time to use their imaginations (Kalb, par.1). While the Knotts children have plenty of organise activities such as after school sports, their parents recognize the importance of using imagination and creativity as a source of p lay (Kalb, par.1). In the aforementioned(prenominal) manner, parents must limit childrens time engaging in technology by creating quality family time and encouraging more creative and imaginative play for intellectual, emotional, and social skills to develop.In addition to television, todays children are inundated with a wide variety of technological choices such as video games, net games, and other interactive activities. Despite these advanced technologies, television continues to play a large role in todays society and while it began as an element to unite the family, it appears to be dividing the family apart now (Winn 437). While television provides us with hours of entertainment, stirs emotions deep inside, and is a tool for gathering information, most experts agree ... ...roviding the buffet for more creative and imaginative play. In addition, parents must gather around the dinner table and create family traditions that will last forever in their childrens memories. P arents must emulate the Knott family who are creating memories by spending time together outdoors instead of watching television in separate rooms. As a result, these children develop intellectually, emotionally, and socially and contribute both to their family and community. Elyssa Knott, at the young age of 11 states, How much fun could you possibly have if you didnt use your imagination? (Kalb, par.1) As parents follow Kris Knott and her familys example, they will see their own family beginning to change and acknowledge the importance of spending quality time together, letting go of the television remote and stepping back to the basics of play.